Lucas Pawlik

Fraungrubergasse 2-4/10

1120 Wien



Lucas Pawlik is essentially four people:

• He is a philosopher who, inspired by his collaboration with Heinz Foerster, practices a systemic style of writing “Wissenschaftspoesie,” in which he presents scientific knowledge as a component of personal development and embedded in narrative forms such as letters, dialogues, theater plays, and stories.

• He is a university lecturer for “PROvocative Pedagogy,” teaching pedagogues of all education levels Second Order Cybernetics and transcultural learning to gain a new understanding of learning and to deal with conflicts in their sphere of work.

• He is a writer who is interested in the relationship between digital media, modern art forms, and literature.

• He is a Taiji and meditation instructor who is interested in the relationship between movement, perception, cognition, and emotion.